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Do you want to start your own IT business? Check how much do you need for initial investment

Starting an IT company requires more than knowledge about information technology, since understanding the business world is essential to achieve success.

By Admin  |   27 May 2021
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7 tips to improve your company's competitiveness

Is your company overshadowed by the competitors? Learn how to improve competitiveness and boost your business

By Admin  |   27 May 2021
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5 steps to create an application without knowing how to program

Creating an application for your company is simpler than you think; learn how to do this by following 5 steps

By Admin  |   30 Apr 2021
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Learn what an IT support company does

Having an IT support team prevents technical problems from delaying the growth of a company

By Admin  |   28 Apr 2021
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Find out the 5 best after-sales actions to build customer loyalty

The relationship with the consumer must be maintained even after the sale; know why

By Admin  |   27 Apr 2021
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Newsletter and email marketing: know the difference

Do you know what is the difference between newsletter and email marketing? Although both are part of the digital marketing world, the two strategies have different goals

By Admin  |   22 Apr 2021
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Discover the 7 most used programming languages ​​on the market

Programming languages ​​act as a translator between the programmer and the machine so that functions are performed correctly

By Admin  |   20 Apr 2021
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Learn how to convert leads into customers with these 5 practical tips

Converting leads into customers can be a big challenge, so we’ve set aside a few tips to help you out

By Admin  |   20 Apr 2021
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5 mistakes you should avoid when setting up an IT budget

Developing an appropriate IT budget ensures greater financial security for a business

By Admin  |   16 Apr 2021
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