Blog Easy

What to evaluate in software companies before hiring?

Analyzing the software development company you intend to hire ensures that the partnership is successful. Find out which points are crucial!

By Admin  |   01 Mar 2021
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Have you considered investing in startups?

By Admin  |   19 Nov 2019
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Tesla Autopilot Full Self-Driving in Autonomy Day

Tesla Autopilot, Full Self-Driving in Autonomy Day

By Admin  |   23 Apr 2019
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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is already part of your day. Check here how it works.

By Admin  |   15 Aug 2018
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Instagram releases online purchases through Stories feature

Instagram releases online purchases through Stories feature

By Admin  |   19 Jul 2018
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4 useful hints on how to apply SEO in your company

4 useful hints on how to apply SEO in your company

By Admin  |   19 Jul 2018
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Easy innovates with openness to partnerships

If you feel like opening a new business or already have your business and would like to improve it, we will support you in this.

By Admin  |   11 Apr 2018
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Innovative ideas: how do they come about?

Creating innovative ideas is a slow and arduous process, which is the search for new knowledge and improvement of the initial idea. For an entrepreneur, the first steps are business ideas.

By Admin  |   19 Mar 2018
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Learn to expand your creativity

Creativity can be exercised

By Admin  |   07 Feb 2018
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