Discover 5 real cases of companies using Big Data

Discover 5 real cases of companies using Big Data
Do you have any idea how much information is generated daily? It is estimated that 90% of the data circulating in the world has been created in the last two years. This means that companies are constantly receiving consumer data. But did you know that this data creation is very important for corporations?
Indeed! Data helps identify new business opportunities, generate more sales, and create a better shopping experience for customers. Consequently, the decision-making process and problem-solving are facilitated.
To take full advantage of these benefits, more and more companies are using Big Data to analyze, execute, and store a large amount of data.
Do you know how the world's largest companies are using Big Data to boost their businesses? Discover 5 real cases of brands that invested in Big Data and are successful today
Now that you know the importance of Big Data, let's list 5 real cases of companies from different segments that have made Big Data part of their strategies:
Amazon's e-commerce
For those working in e-commerce, monitoring website visits and interactions on social media are some of the information to track the progress of the business, which is only possible thanks to Big Data. It also allows understanding the buyer's profile, their preferences, and perception about the products.
Amazon is the number 1 e-commerce in the world, and the company has a lot to thank Big Data for. The brand constantly uses its databases to improve the customer experience.
For Amazon, all information is important: if a person buys the product, puts it in the cart, or just takes a look. With this data, the company understands what each customer needs and starts recommending the same or similar products - and even making promotions - to encourage the consumer to return to the site.
Big Data in 3Q Digital Marketing
Marketing is one of the areas with the most potential for Big Data! With it, it is possible to create campaigns for a specific audience or niche, obtain information about customer perceptions to create high-conversion materials, and, of course, target ads based on user consumption and taste.
Another possibility is to measure the effectiveness of campaigns launched through impressions, click-through rates, among other modern metrics that go beyond the number of sales.
3Q Digital is an independent digital marketing company that uses Big Data to support strategies that combine marketing for search engines, social media, mobile, and video marketing, to reach more audience and convert more leads.
The data analysis team also uses Big Data to refine campaigns based on data about consumer behavior using multitouch attribution. This technique allows analysts to assess which points were important in the customer's purchase journey.
UPS Logistics and Big Data
Through Big Data, it is also possible to identify trends, which is very useful when developing new solutions. In the logistics segment, for example, navigation was transformed by technology, with users using smartphones to obtain location information.
But Big Data not only affects how people move but also how everything moves - including objects and means of transportation.
UPS (United Parcel Service), a mega-transportation and logistics corporation, had a challenge: it needed to improve its route schedule, making the process more efficient and reducing costs.
To do this, the company calculated all the routes taken by its vehicles, speed, delivery time, among other information. This calculation would be practically impossible to do without Big Data.
With Big Data, sensors were installed in the company's vehicles, and the data obtained from them were analyzed. The result: there was a reduction in vehicle maintenance, deliveries were made more quickly, and over 5 million liters of gasoline were saved per year.
Cybersecurity at Splunk
It's no surprise that the popularization of Big Data has coincided with the increase in cyber-attacks. The more data stored, the more hackers take advantage of system vulnerabilities.
However, Big Data has the potential to strengthen a company's cybersecurity and help identify threats and contain attack attempts.
Splunk is an American technology company that uses Big Data to identify and respond to cyber threats and fraud attempts. The company's data flows through real-time analytical tools, allowing anomalies to be detected by machines quite easily.
Splunk's Big Data insights not only map attacks but also identify the roots of security problems.
Nielsen and Big Data in HR
Big Data has also helped companies' human resources departments when hiring new employees, conducting training, and developing employees.
It is also very useful for providing productivity data, organizational environment survey results, and goal tracking.
Nielsen operates in the research, information, and data analysis field, but was facing a problem: it needed to know why people were leaving the teams so quickly.
With Big Data, the data team began to identify key indicators. From this, a basic model was built to measure and predict the magnitude of the scenario the company was facing.
With variables and information from employees such as gender, age, hierarchical level, among others, Nielsen was able to identify the main drivers of voluntary attrition and developed improvements.
Big Data can be implemented in any market segment, with infinite applications. With it, companies are able to discover hidden patterns, correlations, and gain insights to process information and identify new business opportunities.
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